Low Carb – High Fibre Flour

Prevention through nutrition

High fibre flour bread, low carb hale cheshireWe are very excited to be working alongside Dr Gerald Davis, a medical doctor, who has been researching preventive nutrition for the past 10 years. (www.lonjevity-foods.com, www.prevention-nutrition.com)

As a result of his extensive research, he has developed a ground-breaking low carb high fibre flour. We are proud to be the only bakery in the area to be already using the high fibre flour and have been thrilled with the interest it has received from visitors to the bakery.

Our high fibre loaves have proved to be very popular.  We are developing an exciting new range of products which incorporate this high fibre flour. We are sure they will prove to be just as popular. The products will be, not only be low carb with a minimal blood glucose response, but will have many different fibres with powerful prebiotic functions and health benefits.

So how do you benefit?

All our bread is made from the highest quality ingredients and contains minimal sugar, salt and preservatives, however our high fibre loaves, and our 50:50 loaves, are also low carb and high fibre.

So, what does this mean?

Our high fibre bread will contain many important health benefits in its own right to complement the fillings or toppings it is eaten with. A typical high fibre loaf contains 10 different sources of fibre, 30% soluble, 70% insoluble fibres, high sources of protein, omega 3 oil, protein, beta-glucans, polyphenols and lignans.

It is ideal for an everyday healthy diet, particularly appropriate for diabetics, weight loss programs and low carb dieters.

So, try one of our high fibre loaves today, we would also be happy to hear about your tastes and preference to aid our product development.